Connecting to your congregation via technology

Below are two options for creating or expanding a live, online worship experience for your church. This can be as simple as offering a prayer and brief reflection, or a more full-bodied worship experience including music, sermon, and announcements. There are multiple ways to create online worship. Here are a few:

Using YouTube and your Computer Webcam

Using Facebook and your Mobile Device or Tablet


Church Online Platform is more than a video player. It equips you to create community with people around the world.Equipped to reach the world. 6 Benefits Of Using Church Online Platform.


Additionally, you can also pre-record your sermon or worship experience on your phone, tablet, or laptop and upload it to YouTube or Facebook as a post that people can watch whenever they wish. You can also share links to your worship recordings to your church website or send them directly to members, visitors, and friends via email or text. Other resources:

United Methodist Communications - Live Stream Your Ministry

Ask The UMC: How can we livestream worship legally?

Tips for Sensory Rich Live Streaming

Taking Your Worship Online: A Guide for Beginners and Everyone Else from Resource UMC

Use Technology to Extend Worship Beyond the Sanctuary: Part 1 from Resource UMC

How to Stream Worship Beyond the Sanctuary: Part 2 from Resource UMC (A deeper dive than Part 1, includes equipment recommendations, costs, etc.)

Grow your church online with a web ministry