Resources for United Methodists Discerning our Future

  1. During this liminal time in the church, many individuals and churches are seeking to renew their vision as United Methodists, focusing on vitality as they make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

    Others are exploring a different future and may be considering withdrawing their membership or leaving the denomination.

    For individuals and churches discerning their future, the conference has provided several resources. (See below.) For more specific information, please contact your district superintendent.

    It should be noted that only churches who are seeking to leave the denomination need to review the details of disaffiliation. Congregations who remain a part of The United Methodist Church will continue our Wesleyan connection, united in doing mission and ministry as we move forward, persevering in hope, joy, and faith.

    Conference Relationships Statement - June 8, 2023 Clergy Session

    A message from Bishop Easterling on Disaffiliation 
  2. 5/12/2023

May 22, 2023 


    “Stay or Go: Real Talk for United Methodists Exploring Their Future”

  2.  A webinar with panelists from UMNext and the Wesleyan Covenant Association


Q & A from webinar: “Stay or Go: Real Talk for United Methodists Exploring Their Future.

Peninsula-Delaware Board of Trustees Disaffiliation Guidelines and Policies

Peninsula-Delaware Disaffiliation Agreement

Peninsula-Delaware Disaffiliation Policy