Guidelines For the Conference Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership


Rules and Guidelines for the Conference

Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership


1. That the Peninsula-Delaware Conference again records its faith in the Principle of
Rotation and adherence to the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church.

2. That the Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership be 10-12 persons.

That the Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership be composed of the following persons:

Insofar as possible a balanced number of lay and clergy 
  representatives from each District 
Director of Connectional Ministries
Conference Lay Leader or designate

       Young People’s representatives 

Members will be selected to assure inclusiveness. The facilitators will be selected from the members of the committee.  

3. That the following guidelines be used by the Conference Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership:

a)     Nominations will be based upon a person’s passion, gifts, abilities, and leadership

b)    Priority will be given to assure inclusiveness

c)     The Committee will operate by consensus

d)    The Committee’s Covenant and Prayerful discernment will be the framework for the work of the Committee

e)     See section B for process for securing leadership

Local Churches and District organizations are encouraged to use the same guidelines wherever appropriate.

4. That, since the quadrennial system is an established part of the United Methodist economy, all members of boards, Vision Team and Resource Teams shall be elected for a quadrennium unless restricted by Discipline, charter, or some other legal requirement. In the event of such legal restrictions, the Principle of Rotation is still to be observed.

5. Guidelines for Conference Positions: That no member of any board, Vision Team, or Resource Team shall serve more than two consecutive quadrennia on said board, Vision Team or Resource Team or be eligible to be re-elected until after one quadrennium has elapsed. When a member is elected to fill an unexpired quadrennium or term, completion of that quadrennium or term shall count as one full quadrennium or term (Conference Rule #23). Persons elected to the Board of Ordained Ministry may serve a maximum of three consecutive four-year terms.  

6. That no member of the Conference, lay or clergy, shall serve on more than two boards or Resource Teams concurrently except for the following: committees elected or appointed for the Annual Conference Session, District committees and specified ex-officio persons. Insofar as possible, persons should be limited to serving on one board or Resource Team. Persons serving in Conference leadership positions are encouraged to give priority to their local church. The following shall not be under the Conference rotation system nor counted in the above total: Wesley College Trustees, Board of Directors of the Wesley Foundations, and the Committee on Investigation.  In the case of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership is to request the courtesy of the bishop to inform it as to those persons who will be named to the Board of Ordained Ministry, in order to assist the committee in equal distribution of responsibility on the part of the Conference members. The committee will consider membership on the Board of Ordained Ministry as one of two memberships permitted to each person. No member of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration shall serve on another team, board or task force that receives financial support from the budget of the Annual Conference. 

7. Insofar as possible, the membership on Councils, Boards, Vision Team, and Resource Teams of the Annual Conference shall include one-third clergy, one-third laywomen, and one-third laymen, in keeping with policies for general church agencies, except for the Board of Ordained Ministry.

8. In order to be eligible to serve on the Conference boards, agencies, ministry teams, and Resource Teams, lay members shall be members of a local church within the Annual Conference.

9. "In recognition of the Rights of the Aging" as stated in the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church age should not be a barrier to serve on any board, council, or agency of the Annual Conference.  However, the Conference Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership shall give careful attention to assuring that younger members of the Conference are given full opportunity for service.

10. That a conscientious effort shall be made to distribute membership geographically.  No fixed number shall be assigned, however, to any one District, since this could become artificial and impractical.  Consideration shall be given to the inclusion of lay and clergy persons from small membership churches.

11. That failure to attend the particular board, agency, or Resource Team to which one is assigned for more than two called meetings during the year, without written explanation, or statement of intended activity to the chairperson of that board, agency, or Resource Team, will subject persons to automatic removal in the next Clergy and Lay Leadership report.  A report of the board, agency, and Resource Team chairperson to the Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership by December 15th will include the attendance record of this board, agency, Vision Team, or Resource Team.

12. In order to model partnering in ministry, both lay and clergy shall be nominated for leadership positions on boards, agencies and Resource Teams, except where The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church mandates that the ministry group elect their own leadership. Boards, agencies, Vision Team, and Resource Team members will be notified in advance of their nomination.  Insofar as possible, the Conference Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership will dialogue with persons about their passion, gifts, and experience prior to nominating them for leadership positions.  The members of each unit will elect additional officers.  The officers elected at the meeting shall serve for the quadrennium.

The following Criteria for Leadership shall be used in the selection of chairpersons:

      a) Demonstrate passion, spiritual gifts, or expertise needed for the specific area of ministry;

      b) Demonstrated leadership ability in the local church;

      c) Committed to the Vision and Mission of the Peninsula-Delaware Conference;

      d) Willingness to commit time as required by the position;

      e) Willingness to commit time for training for the responsibilities of the office;

      f) Have an understanding of and a willingness to support the polity of The United Methodist Church;

      g) Willingness to participate in nurturing their faith through prayer, study, fasting, service, and worship; 

13. That the date of the quadrennium in which a person is elected to any board, agency, Vision Team, or Resource Team member be clearly indicated in the journal.

14. That in every case a nominee of any board, agency, Vision Team, or Resource Team member shall be notified and consent to serve before the name is placed before the Conference.  When vacancies occur in the report, nominations may be made from the floor, provided that the nominee is present and agrees to serve.

15. Guideline for District positions: That recognizing again the belief in the principle of rotation in order to involve greater leadership, all District committees and officers shall be elected to four-year terms with a maximum of eight years and persons shall be ineligible for re-election until after a four-year term has elapsed, with the exception of the District Committee of Ordained Ministry and the District Board of Church Location and Building.

 For information only:


Concerning the Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership,

its report and the securing of talent

  1. 1. That the report of the Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership to the Annual Conference session will reflect a complete adherence to all the guidelines established by the Annual Conference.
  1. 2. The Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership shall distribute copies of its report to the Annual Conference on the day before the report is to be voted on by the Conference.
  1. 3. Vacancies in leadership will be communicated to each District Superintendent and to the Bishop to obtain recommendations.  Vacancies will also be communicated to Conference and District Lay Leaders, and the Conference Resource Teams for consideration and recommendations.  A description of the responsibilities of the vacant position will be included along with a list of gifts and talents required for leadership position.  Each recommendation will require submitting a profile describing an individual’s spiritual gifts, talents, leadership experience, involvement in their local church, and areas of interest. These profiles shall be returned to the secretary of the Conference Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership.
  1. 4. That the above-adopted guidelines for the Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership of the Annual Conference shall become a printed part of its report at each Annual Conference session.
  1. 5. Titles such as “Mrs.,”  “Miss,”  “Mr.,”  “Rev.,” or “Dr.” shall not be used in the preparation of the Committee on Clergy and Lay Leadership report.
  1. 6. In so far as possible, young people shall be members of all boards, Vision Team, and Resource Teams in the Conference in consultation with the Young People’s Ministry.